Love does not understand genres
Love does not understand genres; or at least that is what we would all like to think. But what if the love of your life confessed to you that her body doesn't match her true identity? There are many people who, in times of quarantine, give up the constant need to be productive and give in a little to tranquility and the consumption of entertainment. Platforms like “ Netflix a > ”Are on the lips of most of those around us, and Reliqium is perfectly aware of this. Browsing, we have found a wide selection of movies added to this platform, but there has been one in particular that has caught our attention. It is neither more nor less than “The girl Danish ” , a 2015 film directed by Tom Hooper , also director of great films such as "The King's Speech" or "Les Miserables" .
“The Danish girl” explains the life of Lili Elbe , the first person who submitted to a sex change operation in 1930.
But not everything is so simple; Let's recap a bit. Einar and Gerda are a married couple of renowned young Danish painters who have been in love since the day their eyes met. They love each other, they idolize each other… They would give everything for each other.
The real story begins the day that one of Gerda's models does not show up for the scheduled appointment and insists that her husband be the one to replace her and pose for her so that she can finish the piece she has been preparing for a long time. This innocent act awakens something in Einar that he will be unable to erase from his thoughts; And it is that the moment in which those silky clothes touched him, he felt at last in his true skin and he saw Lili for the first time.
Despite that, they decided to start a "game" in which both would go to dances and meetings as if they were cousins; no one would find out. But they soon realized that this "game" got out of hand, because for Einar, Lili was not just a character, she was her, her true being, her reason for existing. She was never the husband that his wife wanted to keep afloat, because she had always been Lili, even though for a long time she was hidden deep inside her.
The relationship between the two changed and went through seriously complicated times, but Gerda decided to stay by his side and support him, even though they diagnosed the love of his life as a “hysterical” person who should be locked up and away from society, because what happened to Lili couldn't be possible according to medicine. It had never happened and never would. If they could be accused of anything, it is ignorant.
It was not until 1919 that Magnus Hirschfeld founded the “Institute for Sex Research” in Berlin (which was later revoked due to Nazi imposition), and coined for the first time the term "transsexuality", something that still today there are many people unaware of its true meaning to whom it would not hurt to open the doors of tolerance and learning so that we can all live in harmony once and for all.
To date, the type of interventions Lili underwent is not specifically known, but what is known is that after five operations in less than two years, after a female uterus was transplanted, his body couldn't resist anymore. Lili left, but with a smile, being happy, because finally society could see her for what she was; a woman.
The reason we have decided to comment on this exciting story is for one simple reason: Gerda was Lili's biggest supporter despite circumstances, and that is what we are left with, because that is what true love is based on, in tolerance , in respect in support and in generosity to the other, all those values that represent Reliqium.
We realize that what is truly important is what resides within our being, and that is why it is strictly necessary to know the other person for what they are and not for what they see. In the case of Lili we can see it clearly; the aspect may vary, but the love towards the person who accompanies us is untouchable, and that is only achieved if the trust and the < span> communication are elements present in any type of relationship.
Love and identity cannot be defined through a sexual device; love and identity are based on what you, and only you, decide to base it on. You are the only person capable of setting the parameters of the definition of love .
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